Wednesday 5 August 2015


14-28 days

 So you've just received a batch of flowers at a time   when  winter is approaching. Here is a bit of advice for you.
Unpack flowers immediately, inspecting for cold  injury indicated by darkening of the spathe. Recut 1/2 inch off stems underwater. If flowers have been dry for an extended time period or if they are visibly wilted and stressed, immerse flowers and stems in fresh room temperature water for 15 minutes. Handle anthruims carefully at all times, since spathes bruise and tear easily.

To increase vase life, pulse in 1,000 parts million (ppm) concentration of silver nitrate solution for 10-40 minutes. Then place flower in clean, warm (80-100 degrees F) preservative solution for several hours before use.

Anthuriums are sensitive to cold temperatures. The optimum storage range is 55-70 degrees F. Cold injury will result if flowers are held at less than 55 degrees F for 24 hours. Mist flowers with water before covering them with polyethylene film to prevent excessive transpiration. There are conflicting reports that resoaking stems every two or three days and daily misting with water encourages longer life. These techniques may be beneficial if flowers are displayed in a warm, dry area. Individual shops should test to determine if these techniques work. These techniques also help slow wilting and they melt in extreme heat.

Evaporation may be reduced by dipping the whole flower in a carnauba wax emulsion, such as a three percent solution of FMC Wax 819. Then place flower stems in water until the wax dries. other fruit waxes may also be used. This treatment can double the flowers' longevity. Flowers with thin, short stems weigh less and have a longer vase life than heavier flowers with thick, long stem.


Consumersshould recut stems and immerse flower heads in room temperature water for 10 minutes if the heart shaped spathe appers wilted or flaccid. Then place stems in a preservative solution made with clean water. Replace solution every one or two days. Keep flowers away from temperatures extremes and strong sunlight. mist flower heads daily to replenish water lost in evaporation.

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