Monday 3 August 2015


In the last blog I discussed areas to be addressed in the management of the anthurium in either small garden or on a commercial farm. As we consider the growing conditions for the anthuruim it may come as a surprise to know the following facts.
 The anthurium is an epiphyte; it does not grow down into the soil, but grows upward like a vine, so nutrients come, not from the growing medium ,but from  external fertilization and the air.This keeps the roots well erated. Elsewhere peat moss or volcanic stones can be used, giving support to the plant ,keeping it upright ,Here in the Caribbean our coconut husk is the popular medium for the anthurium beds. The Hobbyist may use a pot for plants whereas the commericalist plants on raised beds under shade houses of saran netting. Our flower loves cool temperatures: for this reason the irrigation should be done three times daily with a maximum of 35 degrees  temperature  Evening  temperature should be a minimum of 15 degrees with a humidity not in excess of 70-80 %..Most farms have above ground as well as on the ground sprinkler systems supported by wells or  water tanks.

* glossary - ephiphyte: is a plant that grows harmelessly upon another plant and derives its moisture and nutrients from the air, rain and sometimes debries accumulating around it.

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