Monday 3 August 2015

Commercial Value Of Anthruim

Anthurium cut-flowers are known for their relatively long vaselife that ranges from a week to two months this is the chief factor in the commercial appeal of this flower.Florist will pay more for  a flower lasting  5 -6 weeks in an arrangement when the average vaselife of other arrangements is 6 days.  Anthurium importers prefer cultivars with a long vaselife to ensure that the cut-flowers will retain their freshness throughout the transportation, distribution and retail chain.  Commercially, a vaselife of three weeks and over is required to market anthurium cut-flowers.This flower is unique in that it is thought to have the longest vaselife of cut flowers worldwide.
The Commercial value of this flower is enhance by the size of the bloom and the wide variety of colours available . The spathe , also called the bract  or colourful part of the bloom varies from11-24 cm. depending on variety.

Researchers at the UWI have studied the vaselife of several anthurium cultivars under standard conditions. We found large variations in the vaselife of anthurium cultivars grown in the Caribbean. Several studies were carried out to determine the morphophysiological characteristics associated with vaselife.  Based on this study selection equations have been developed to predict vaselife in breeding programmes. Using these equations, the assessment of vaselife of anthurium cultivars can be done in as little as 5 days with great precision, without having to carry out vaselife experiments, which take two months.  This can greatly accelerate breeding programmes aimed at improving vaselife, and reduce cost.

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